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January 13, 2021
By Jeryse Kelly
"This is not a black holiday; it is a people's holiday," said Coretta Scott King after President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law on Nov. 2, 1983. But in the complicated history of Martin Luther King, Jr Day, it has only recently been a holiday for all the people, all the time. […]
December 4, 2020
By Jeryse Kelly
Micro/Mini Weddings Micro or mini weddings are a thing. They are a viable and necessary thing during 2020. They will be around for a while now. I like the idea of a smaller and more intimate celebration with the people you really want to celebrate with. This also allows you to give greater focus to […]
September 2, 2020
By Jeryse Kelly
September brings the last month in the third quarter of the year and signals that Fall is coming. It is truly amazing that we are this far into 2020. It has definitely been an interesting year. On top of us powering through the Corona virus, we have had some really shocking deaths and have confronted […]
August 28, 2020
By Jeryse Kelly
Covid Catering Requirements When you walk into any establishment today it’s much different than the landscape of yesterday just three months ago. The hospitality industry has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 virus that erupted with no warning in March 2020.    Establishments such as restaurants are now a basis or a mirror for reproducing […]
July 15, 2020
By Jeryse Kelly
Color can be very important not just for a wedding but also home furnishings, events, advertising, etc. Color can bring out emotion, set a mood, create excitement or tone down excitement.
July 7, 2020
By Jeryse Kelly
July is a big month! It is the halfway point. We have completed half of the year and have another half to look forward to! I start the month with a family birthday and end the month with a family birthday. My mom is July 1st and my dad's birthday was July 30th. Make the […]
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