AZ Wedding Show

There’s a new wedding show around. You can now meet and learn about the latest in the wedding world in the comfort of your own home. You still have the ability to talk to event professionals, see the latest and greatest and garner inspiration for your wedding.
The next online wedding show is November 15th, 10 am. Register for the show, get yourself a journal & a beverage, keep an additional charger close by. Be ready to learn and be inspired.

Prior to 1845, the states were allowed to hold elections at any time within 34-days before the first Wednesday in December. There were some problems with this practice. People learning the early voting results could affect and sway the opinion of those that hadn’t voted. To solve this problem, congress passed a federal law that the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November as Election Day.
Why was Tuesday in November selected as the day? Click on the link below to find out that answer and to learn more.

Veteran’s Day

Thanksgiving 2020

2020 Thanksgiving is going to look different for most people. There will not be large gatherings of families & friends coming together to share a meal. There will be smaller gatherings which can still be fun and meaningful. If cooking a large Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings is not your favorite thing to do, consider ordering your meal from a local catering company or having each person contribute a portion of the meal.
Use the link below to pick out some activities to do and show some gratitude. Given how 2020 has been, it is more important than ever to look and express gratitude.

Seasonal Touches for a wedding