How to plan a graduation celebrations.
End of the school year brings senior pictures, graduation ceremonies, graduation parties, next chapters and more. It is a time with mixed emotions for both the parents and the person graduating. What will life look like after this season of life is complete? What outfit or outfits should I wear for pictures, for the ceremony and for the party? Continue reading to learn how to plan graduation celebrations.
Like with most events, you need to decide on the formality of your party. Are you serving food? Will it be an open house scenario or will it be a sit down meal? Will the party be at your home, a restaurant or a venue? Will your color scheme match the school colors? Are you doing a party for a single person or are you doing a group party?

In the last month, I have held 2 graduation parties. One was for a college graduation and the other was a high school graduation. They were totally different parties!

College graduation parties
The college graduation was on a Friday night and the party was on a Sunday afternoon. This was mainly for family and very close family friends. Since it was early May, I felt confident having it at our home. People could be both inside and outside. The color scheme was black and burgundy with bits of silver and white. We planned for it to be a dessert reception.

High School graduation parties
The high school graduation party was on a Saturday night in June. If you are familiar with Arizona, you know that it is very hot. With that being said, I did not want the party at my house. So we held it at a clubhouse at an apartment complex that also had a pool. This party included a dinner and a candy buffet. I rented that ladder display from AZ Retro Rentals and it was perfect. We set up a table to display his accomplishments. His party which fits his personality was more casual than the college graduation party. We did use some of the same decor from the college graduation party but also included some more colorful decor to keep with the fun, party atmosphere.

After reading this article are you ready to have someone assist you in planning a graduation celebration so you can sit back and enjoy this moment? Do you want to be freed up during all the end-of-year tests, recitals, sports banquets and more allowing you the space and time to fully engage, create and capture the memories of this milestone moment? Click on the link to open the possibilities for the celebration.