Do you listen to your promptings?
Do you even know what a prompting is?
I have been utilizing SendOut Cards for many years to keep in touch with friends and family. This has made it so much easier to keep in touch. I used to love making cards. When I didn't make cards, I would buy cards and sometimes wouldn't even get to send them. One of two things would deter me, not having the stamps or waiting to long to get to the store to buy the card. SendOut Cards has taken care of that problem. I love receiving cards or postcards in the mail. It beats receiving junk mail or bills in the mail.

I decided to use SendOut Cards in my business as well. I had lofty ideas that I would make the cards to send but I wasn't consistent with that. I decided it was better for my clients and business associates to receive something rather than nothing. I wanted them to know my appreciation and it wouldn't happen with just having good intentions of wanting to make and send a card.
Recently, I decided to become a distributor and offer this service to my clients. I love paper, stationery and invites/stationery is a natural combination with my wedding/event planning. With the computer age and fast pace of life, I decided SendOut Cards was the way to go. This was a prompting.
One thing I have begun to notice, I enjoy traditions, building and maintaining relationships, I am the family historian and memory catcher. I like to have amazing celebration events, filled with family and friends, taking pictures to capture memories. I feel it is important to acknowledge people and to thank them for nice things they are doing or send them a hug via a card/postcard when there is sadness. Lately, all of these things have been coming together personally, through my volunteer work with Girl Scouts and in my business life. This is another prompting.
I just attended a training through SOC called "Promptings Academy". If you are ever invited or have the chance to attend, I HIGHLY recommend you attend. You will learn about different forms of promptings, the importance of them and more importantly you will learn about yourself by utilizing "I AM" statements.
Kody Bateman, Steve Schultz and Jordan Adler are amazing, bright and caring individuals. They are the heart of SOC and I truly appreciate them providing this training. I also had the opportunity to make some new friends and connect with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile.
One of my goals is to create and spread kindness. I hope to help my family, friends, clients and business associates to stay in touch, show gratitude, share hugs and to look for the positive by sending cards. Cards can be posted, looked at and touch much longer and more times than sending a text message, post on Facebook or even an email.
Remember - Treat people the way you want to be treated.