This morning I was reading an article, from Emily Post, about theme showers. It has some great ideas. Here were some of the themes:
1. Wine and .... - help the couple set-up or complete a wine cabinet and party. Maybe the couple will invite you over for cocktails.
2. Tea Party - gifts would include items for coffee, tea even cocoa.
3. Around the World - for the couple that loves to travel. Have foods from places they have visited or would like to visit. You could even have each person bring a recipe from a pre-selected region.
4. The great outdoors - for the couple that loves to camp, hike or just be outside. You could get them items for a picnic basket, coordinate clothing, etc.
5. How does your garden grow - for the couple that loves to grow their own fruits and vegetables.
6. Tools and gadgets - this would be a great event for a co-ed party. the gifts could be his/hers tool kits, travel alarms, mini blow torch or even
7. Entertainment - This would be for the couple that likes to entertain guests - board games, puzzles, DVD's, CD's, I-tunes credit, museum certificates, etc.
8. Room of the house - Guests are given a room of the house to buy a gift for. What a great way to furnish the couples new home.
9. Hours of the day - Guests are given an hour of the day to buy gifts for. This could really be fun and extremely creative.
10. Months of the year - Guests are given a month of the year to buy a gift.
11. Letters of the alphabet - Guests are given a letter of the alphabet to buy a gift. This could be paired with the other themes also.
12 Bed and breakfast - Guests are asked to provide a gift for the kitchen or bedroom. Let's face it, during the first couple of years these are the two rooms that get the most use.
13. Lingerie - I think this is self explanatory.
14. Spa shower - This theme is to indulge and pamper senses.One thing to remember - with all the themes the idea is for the gift to be for both the bride and the groom. I know it is a bridal shower, however it is a party to celebrate the wedding of the bride and groom. If they weren't getting married, there wouldn't even be a bridal shower.